Florence Khaxas “Our autonomous spaces as young feminists have always been met with hostility and violence from the institutions that uphol patriarchy, however, we have always found creative ways to organize ourselves and break the isolation and alienation through collaborative action.” Vimbainashe Makanza “Feminist activism recognises that the intrinsic nature of suffering that different groups go through cannot always be captured outside the scope of experience, that empathy consideration of contexts and diversity and love are a priority.” Munukayumbwa Mwiya “Tell your story because you have a responsibility to yourself, tell your story because no one can tell your story better than you can, how you choose to that is your business”

Welcome to the Young Feminists’ Movement Trust Namibia (Y-Fem)

Y-Fem Namibia is a trailblazing organization dedicated to dismantling patriarchal barriers and advancing the human rights of women and young women from marginalized communities. Grounded in intersectional feminist principles, Y-Fem organizes around a range of pressing issues – from poverty and lack of educational opportunities to gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health.

Through consciousness-raising, advocacy, and capacity-building, the movement has spent over a decade fighting systemic inequities and reclaiming power for marginalized communities, including rural, indigenous, LGBTQIA+, non-binary, and HIV-positive youth.

Y-Fem offers training and feminist creative spaces to empower young women, queer youth, and non-binary individuals to become activist and media spokespersons. Connecting these grassroots change-makers with holistic self-care resources, we build the capacity for intersectional organizing and the realization of young people’s rights.

Explore the vibrant narratives and thought-provoking insights on our blog, where we delve into the heart of feminist activism, intersectionality, and the pursuit of gender equality. From empowering stories of resilience to critical analyses of societal norms, our blog offers a platform for diverse voices to be heard.


Addressing Your Thought Patterns

Addressing Your Thought Patterns Vimbainashe Clara Makanza YFEM Team Here at YFEM, self-care and growth are ideals that we encourage everyone to fully indulge in. Growing out of negative and […]



Discussing Mental Health for women in the Diaspora

Mental Health for women in the Diaspora Vimbainashe Clara Makanza YFEM Team 1) What do we mean by Diaspora   Here we mean people who are living outside of their […]



Gaining power through self-love

Gaining power through self-love By Aletta Moses I am Aletta Moses a student at Namibia University of Science and Technology studying computer science majoring in system Administration and am currently […]



Positive impact of liberal abortion access

Positive impact of liberal abortion access Vimbainashe Clara Makanza YFEM Team It has become increasingly necessary to explore the topic of abortion. As a matter of human rights, it is […]